Protocol Buffers for OrientDB

version 0.0.0

The protobuf based communication protocol is relatively simple, the client sends a request to the server and the server sends a response, in FIFO order. There are two different types of request a client can send:

1 Signals - individual messages that have no content other than an optional session id and their RequestType. Signals are expressed entirely within a RequestHeader, they have no further content. An example of a signal would be the db reload command, which operates solely on the currently selected database and accepts no parameters.

2 Operations - Operations are requests that require some kind of parameters, such as a database name and credentials for db open. Operations are expressed as a RequestHeader immediately followed by the operation message.

In response, the server sends a ResponseHeader. This response header contains the session id where appropriate, and optionally, the response type. The response type indicates the type of the next message so that the client knows how to decode it. If a response type is omitted, the response is treated as an ‘ack’, and no response body will be sent.

The request / response algorithm looks like this:

  1. Client sends a RequestHeader message containing the request type, and optionally, a session id.
  2. If the request is an operation and not a signal, immediately send the operation message of the applicable type.
  3. Server responds with a ResponseHeader. If the response header omits a response type, the response is treated as an ‘ack’ and is considered complete.
  4. If a response type is specified, the server will immediately send a response message of the type indicated in the header. If the client does not know how to handle the received message type, it can skip it.

The definitions are split into 5 logical groups:

  1. Headers - The request / response headers.
  2. Enums - Constant values reused by the rest of the protocol.
  3. Primitives - The primitive data structures that make up the protocol.
  4. Operations - The operations can be sent to the server.
  5. Responses - The responses that can be received by the client.


Headers are sent by both client and server, they contain information about the request / response type and indicate what kind of message, if any, the other side should expect to recieve next.

Request Header

This is the header that precedes a request. It is used to indicate the type of the following request message if any.

message RequestHeader {
  optional int32 sessionId = 1;
  required RequestType type = 2;

Response Header

This is the header that precedes a response, it indicates whether or not the client should expect a response body and if so, what type that response will be. If the response type is omited, the response is treated as an ‘ack’ and no response body will be expected.

message ResponseHeader {
  optional int32 sessionId = 1;
  optional ResponseType type = 2;


These constant values are used by other data structures in the protocol.

Database Storage Types

enum DatabaseStorageType {
  LOCAL = 0;
  MEMORY = 1;
  PLOCAL = 2;

Database Types

enum DatabaseType {
  GRAPH = 1;

Record Types

enum RecordType {

Cluster Types

enum ClusterType {

Command Modes

enum CommandMode {
  SYNC = 0;
  ASYNC = 1;

Request Types

enum RequestType {
  REQUEST_SHUTDOWN = 1; // Shut down server.
  REQUEST_CONNECT = 2; // Required initial operation to access to server commands.
  REQUEST_DB_OPEN = 3; // Required initial operation to access to the database.
  REQUEST_DB_CREATE = 4; // Add a new database.
  REQUEST_DB_EXIST = 6; // Check if database exists.
  REQUEST_DB_DROP = 7; // Delete database.
  REQUEST_CONFIG_GET = 70; //  Get a configuration property.
  REQUEST_CONFIG_SET = 71; //  Set a configuration property.
  REQUEST_CONFIG_LIST = 72; //  Get a list of configuration properties.
  REQUEST_DB_LIST = 74; // Get a list of databases.
  REQUEST_DB_CLOSE = 5; // Close a database.
  REQUEST_DB_SIZE = 8; // Get the size of a database (in bytes).
  REQUEST_DB_COUNTRECORDS = 9; // Get total number of records in a database.
  REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_ADD = 10; //  Add a data cluster.
  REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_DROP = 11; //  Delete a data cluster.
  REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_COUNT = 12; //  Get the total number of data clusters.
  REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_DATARANGE = 13; //  Get the data range of data clusters.
  REQUEST_DATACLUSTER_COPY = 14; //  Copy a data cluster.
  REQUEST_DATASEGMENT_ADD = 20; //  Add a data segment.
  REQUEST_DATASEGMENT_DROP = 21; //  Delete a data segment.
  REQUEST_RECORD_METADATA = 29; //  Get metadata from a record.
  REQUEST_RECORD_LOAD = 30; //  Load a record.
  REQUEST_RECORD_CREATE = 31; //  Add a record.
  REQUEST_RECORD_DELETE = 33; //  Delete a record.
  REQUEST_RECORD_COPY = 34; //  Copy a record.
  REQUEST_POSITIONS_HIGHER = 36; //  Get a record above the current record.
  REQUEST_POSITIONS_LOWER = 37; //  Get the record below the current record.
  REQUEST_RECORD_CLEAN_OUT = 38; //  Clean out record.
  REQUEST_POSITIONS_FLOOR = 39; //  Get the last record.
  REQUEST_COMMAND = 41; //  Execute a command.
  REQUEST_POSITIONS_CEILING = 42; //  Get the first record.
  REQUEST_TX_COMMIT = 60; //  Commit transaction.
  REQUEST_DB_RELOAD = 73; //  Reload database.
  REQUEST_CREATE_SBTREE_BONSAI = 110; // Creates an sb-tree bonsai on the remote server
  REQUEST_SBTREE_BONSAI_GET = 111; // Get value by key from sb-tree bonsai
  REQUEST_SBTREE_BONSAI_FIRST_KEY = 112; // Get first key from sb-tree bonsai
  REQUEST_SBTREE_BONSAI_GET_ENTRIES_MAJOR = 113; // Gets the portion of entries major than specified one. If returns 0 entries than the specified entrie is the largest
  REQUEST_RIDBAG_GET_SIZE = 114; // Rid-bag specific operation. Send but doesRetrieves computed size of rid bag.

Response Types

enum ResponseType {
  RESPONSE_ERROR = 1; // ErrorResponse
  RESPONSE_BOOLEAN = 2; // BooleanResponse
  RESPONSE_INTEGER = 3; // IntegerResponse
  RESPONSE_LONG = 4; // LongResponse
  RESPONSE_HASHMAP = 5; // HashmapResponse
  RESPONSE_RECORD = 6; // RecordResponse
  RESPONSE_RECORD_LIST = 7; // RecordListResponse
  RESPONSE_RECORD_STATUS = 8; // RecordStatusResponse
  RESPONSE_CLUSTER = 9; // ClusterResponse
  RESPONSE_CLUSTER_LIST = 10; // ClusterListResponse
  RESPONSE_DB_INFO = 11; // DbInfoResponse
  RESPONSE_DB_LIST = 12; // DbListResponse
  RESPONSE_DATA_RANGE = 13; // DataRangeResponse


These are the primitive data structures that are combined to form requests and responses.


A record can be a document, a raw value or a list of bytes.

message Record {
  optional int32 cluster = 1;
  optional int64 position = 2;
  required RecordType type = 3;
  optional bool prefetched = 4;
  optional bytes content = 5; // serialized record content.


Clusters are collections of records.

message Cluster {
  required int32 id = 1;
  required ClusterType type = 2;
  required int32 dataSegment = 3;


An SQL query to execute against the database.

message Query {
  optional string class = 1;
  required string text = 2;
  optional string fetchPlan = 3;
  optional int32 limit = 4;
  optional bytes params = 5; // serialized query parameters


Represents an error, which can optionally have a reference to a previous error.

message Error {
  optional string type = 1;
  optional string text = 2;
  optional bytes stackTrace = 3;
  optional Error prev = 4;

Hash Map Item

Represents an item in a hash map. Since protobufs cannot express a map directly, this is a simple key / value pair.

message HashMapItem {
  required string key = 1;
  required string value = 2;


Operations are requests that have some kind of parameters. They are sent immediately after a RequestHeader.


Connect to the server, expects a simple ack in response.

message ConnectOperation {
  optional string driverName = 1; // the name of the orientdb client
  optional string driverVersion = 2; // the client version
  required int32 protocolVersion = 3; // the newest version of the protocol the client knows about
  optional string clientId = 4; // @fixme what does this do?
  required string username = 5; // the administrator username
  required string password = 6; // the administrator password

Open Database

Open a database with the given name and credentials. Expects a DbInfoResponse.

message DbOpenOperation {
  optional string driverName = 1;
  optional string driverVersion = 2;
  required int32 protocolVersion = 3;
  optional string clientId = 4;
  required string name = 5;
  required DatabaseType type = 6;
  required string username = 7;
  required string password = 8;

Database Exists?

Determine whether a database exists with the given name and storage type. Expects a BooleanResponse.

message DbExistsOperation {
  required string name = 1;
  required DatabaseStorageType storage = 2;

Create Database

Create a database with the given name and storage type. Expects a simple ‘ack’ response.

message DbCreateOperation {
  required string name = 1;
  required DatabaseType type = 2;
  required DatabaseStorageType storage = 3;

Delete Database

Create a database with the given name and storage type. Expects a simple ‘ack’ response.

message DbDeleteOperation {
  required string name = 1;
  required DatabaseStorageType storage = 2;

Get Config

Get the configuration value with the given key. Expects a StringResponse.

message ConfigGetOperation {
  required string key = 1;

Set Config

Set the configuration value with the given key. Expects a simple ‘ack’ response.

message ConfigSetOperation {
  required string key = 1;
  required string value = 2;

Add Data Segment

Adds a data segment with the given name and location. Expects a IntegerResponse.

message DataSegmentAddOperation {
  required string name = 1;
  optional string location = 2;

Drop Data Segment

Deletes the data segment with the given name. Expects an ‘ack’ response.

message DataSegmentDropOperation {
  required string name = 1;

Add Data Cluster

Adds a data cluster with the given name / details. Expects an IntegerResponse.

message ClusterAddOperation {
  required ClusterType type = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  optional string location = 3;
  optional string segment = 4;
  optional int32 id = 5;

Drop Data Cluster

Remove the data cluster with the given name. Expacts a simple ‘ack’ response.

message ClusterDropOperation {
  required string name = 1;

Cluster Record Count

Count the number of records in the given clusters. Expects a LongResponse.

message ClusterCountOperation {
  repeated int32 ids = 1;

Cluster Data Range

Gets the data range for a cluster with the given ID. Expects a DataRangeResponse.

message ClusterDataRangeOperation {
  required int32 id = 1;

Record Load

Load a record from the given cluster / position. Expects a RecordListResponse.

message RecordLoadOperation {
  required int32 cluster = 1;
  required int64 position = 2;
  optional string fetchPlan = 3;
  optional bool ignoreCache = 4;
  optional bool tombstones = 5;

Record Create

Create a record of the given type in the given cluster. Expects a RecordStatusResponse.

message RecordCreateOperation {
  required int32 cluster = 1;
  optional int32 dataSegment = 2;
  required bytes content = 3;
  required RecordType type = 4;
  required CommandMode mode = 5;

Record Update

Update a record at the given position in the given cluster. Expects a RecordStatusResponse.

message RecordUpdateOperation {
  required int32 cluster = 1;
  required int64 position = 2;
  required bytes content = 3;
  optional int32 version = 4;
  required RecordType type = 5;
  required CommandMode mode = 6;

Record Delete

Delete a record at the given position in the given cluster. Expects a simple ‘ack’ response.

message RecordDeleteOperation {
  required int32 cluster = 1;
  required int64 position = 2;
  optional int32 version = 3;
  required CommandMode mode = 4;

Record Metadata

Get the meta data for a record. Expects a RecordStatusResponse.

message RecordMetadataOperation {
  required int32 cluster = 1;
  required int64 position = 2;

Record Clean Out

Clean out the given record. Expects a simple ‘ack’ response.

message RecordCleanoutOperation {
  required int32 cluster = 1;
  required int64 position = 2;
  optional int32 version = 3;
  required CommandMode mode = 4;


Execute an SQL command against the database. Expects a RecordListResponse.

message CommandOperation {
  required CommandMode mode = 1;
  required Query query = 2;


These are the possible responses to the signals and operations defined above.

Error Response

A response indicating an error.

message ErrorResponse {
  required Error error = 1;

Boolean Response

A response indicating a true / false value.

message BooleanResponse {
  required bool value = 1;

Integer Response

A response representing a 32bit integer

message IntegerResponse {
  required bool value = 1;

Long Response

A response representing a 64bit integer.

message LongResponse {
  required int64 value = 1;

Hashmap Response

Represents a hash map of keys / values.

message HashmapResponse {
  repeated HashMapItem items = 1;

Record Response

A response representing an individual record.

message RecordResponse {
  required Record value = 1;

Record List Response

A response representing a list of records.

message RecordListResponse {
  repeated Record values = 1;

Cluster Response

A response representing a single cluster.

message ClusterResponse {
  required Cluster value = 1;

Cluster List Response

A response representing a list of clusters.

message ClusterListResponse {
  repeated Cluster values = 1;

Database Info Response

Represents information about the state of a database.

message DbInfoResponse {
  repeated Cluster clusters = 1;
  optional bytes servers = 2; // serialized servers list
  optional string release = 3;

Database List Response

A serialized list of databases.

message DbListResponse {
  optional bytes databases = 1;

Data Range Response

A response indicating a data range, with a begin and an end.

message DataRangeResponse {
  required int64 begin = 1;
  required int64 end = 2;

Record Status Response

A response indicating the status of an individual record.

message RecordStatusResponse {
  optional int32 cluster = 1;
  optional int64 position = 2;
  optional int32 version = 3;